Adidas Yeezy 450 Green Slate



Adidas Yeezy 450 Green Slate


All-green hue is the theme of Adidas Yeezy 450 Green Slate. These sneakers bring out not just a unique color but a stylish shape of sneakers. It comprises an incredible knit upper material with elastic, sock-like cuffs. These kicks also offer you a rubber outsole sprouting tapered appendages on its heel, side panels, and overall sole.



Grab the ever-stylish Adidas Yeezy 450 Green Slate kicks to level up your streetwear look and experience its superb construction on your feet.

Adidas Yeezy 450 Green Slate will provide you with a unique style and modern colorway suitable to any streetwear OOTD. These kicks can also give you remarkable shoe performance. The Adidas Yeezy 450 Green Slate can even guarantee you a high-grade top-quality construction, letting you own a magnificent pair of shoes.




Manufacturer Sku GY5368
Nickname Green Slate
Gender Mens
Colorway Green Slate/Green Slate/Green Slate



Additional information

Size (US Men's)

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